Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 23 of 30

Oh no...i haven't forgotten my 30-days post-a-day deal, but somehow i am not able to find enough meat to write about everyday, for the fear of becoming boring, i decided to write when there is really something to write about. And today there is something i feel like writing about.

Virtual Relationships..i dint think much about them..they were virtual after all i thought, you don't see the person, you need to believe in the words in which he/she decides to portray himself/herself. I believed everyone wanted to paint a rosy picture about themselves, never would let the bad side peep through. Also maybe meeting some people i had very high opinion on in virtual life, was like flattening of a big inflated balloon with a small prick, when met in flesh and blood..some people live a double life, one for the virtual world and one for the real..So, all in all, virtual relationships, were a big Nayy for me

I surprised myself in the past few days,I actually felt very emotional for someone, i haven't seen, spoken or known personally, other than interacting over the world wide web. The pain and the struggle and the eventual happiness that was blessed to her, made me react the same way, i would react to a very close friend of mine. The feelings of feeling bad,as though disappointed by a long time friend, a deep emotional feeling when read about her reaction and a throat choking feeling when the long awaited dream came true. The 'me' who was a non-believer of virtual relationships was reacting like this.All these feelings for someone i have never met and don't see any chance of meeting in the near future, for all you know, we may never meet.

One is the person i mentioned about before who moved me emotionally and another is a another strong lady who has managed to bring tears to me eyes, though i never told her this and since she is a regular reader of this blog, i am sure, she knows i am talking about her.In the deepest of my heart, i have always wanted her to have all the happiness and the little angel in her life, all the love.

So, moral of the story..err post today is that human emotions, don't rely on real or virtual paltform. The feeling of bonding among people can happen even when you don't see them.You wish well for people who are not even remotely connected to you. Strange is the power of the world wide web and of human emotions.

PS:I shall be coming here to finish my Day 30 somehow, but until something strongly compels me to put my feelings into words, i wont come here just because i have to.So...i learnt a new thing about me, that my mother always says, 'Its very hard to impose anything on me' :). Darn, somehow mother's know everything.

1 comment:

  1. yes they do isnt it.. no matter how much we might not want to accept that...

    I understand!!!
